Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Having trouble getting more than a couple to 3 hours at a time. Wonder why? Can't think of anything in particular that is worrying me. And I am having some really bizarre dreams, scary stuff. I'm napping through the day but I can not stay awake. I met a friend for lunch yesterday, and was so tired by the time I got home. As soon as I sat down, I dozed off. Maybe I need to call Dr Malinowski and have a pacer check done...???
I woke up at around 4 am having an asthma attack. Must be the humidity that set it off?? I dunno. I had to hunt for my inhaler, it's been that long since I had my last attack. Hate it, it's an awlful feeling, but my worst has been nowhere close to what my sis Casey has had. She's had severe asthma since childhood and I hope I never have to deal with what she's gone through!
Almost 7:30. Think I'll try to get some more sleep since I have to work tonight.

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